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Buy Sodium Diacetate

Buy Sodium Diacetate



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Buy Sodium Diacetate

Buy Sodium Diacetate is an inorganic compound with the formula CH3COONa. It is commonly used as a pH control agent and preservative in food products. It works by lowering the pH of foods to below 5, which inhibits the growth of many microorganisms.  For these reasons, it is a popular food additive for baked goods, sauces, dressings and other items where a long shelf life is desired. It provides preservation abilities without altering the taste of foods. The acid is firmly held as is evident from the negligible odor of the product. In solution, it is split off into its constituents acetic acid and sodium acetate. As a buffering agent, sodium diacetate is applied in meat products to control their acidity.

Buy Sodium Diacetate

Item Specification
Appearance White, hygroscopic crystalline solid with an acetic odour
Free Acetic Acid (%) 39.0- 41.0
Sodium Acetate (%) 58.0- 60.0
Moisture (Karl Fischer method, %) 2.0 Max
pH (10% Solution) 4.5- 5.0
Formic acid, formates and other oxidizable (as formic acid)  =< 1000 mg/ kg
Particle Size Min 80% Pass 60 mesh
Arsenic (As) =< 3 mg/ kg
Lead (Pb) =< 5 mg/ kg
Mercury (Hg) =< 1 mg/ kg
Heavy Metal (as Pb) 0.001% Max


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